SiteReadyBC is the first comprehensive construction site safety orientation program developed in British Columbia. It equips workers with essential knowledge to comprehend safety regulations on any construction site in the province and empowers them to work confidently.
Developed and created by the BCCSA in collaboration with key stakeholders from the BC construction industry, SiteReadyBC has already garnered recognition from industry employers and project owners who now consider it a prerequisite for engaging in their projects. An increasing number of employers are actively considering mandating SiteReadyBC certification for all personnel entering construction project sites.
SiteReadyBC is an online, self-paced course – available 24/7.
SiteReadyBC is available online to employers, safety training partners, and individuals who want to upgrade their skills or are preparing to re-enter the construction workforce. The program is also designed to assist employers in meeting their obligations under BC’s OHSR Part 3.23, requiring them to provide vital safety information to new and young workers.
SiteReadyBC course content is always under review by the safety experts at BCCSA, ensuring that information is always fresh, up to date and relevant.
Successful students receive certificates to both the SiteReadyBC program and WHMIS-2015. Before SiteReadyBC, construction workers required separate training and certification on the identification of controlled products under WHMIS-2015. SiteReadyBC provides the necessary instruction under that regulation, certifying workers who successfully complete the program under WHMIS-2015 at no additional cost.