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Administrative controls are the safe job procedures and practices used to control the risks. |
Every employer registered with WorkSafeBC is assigned a 6 digit CU number based on their main business undertaking. |
Three (3) years or 6000 hours of construction field experience within the previous ten (10) years. |
A DEV's primary function is to effectively capture and remove dust and airborne particles from the environment. |
ECPs are written documents that describe a company’s plan for managing a health hazard in the workplace. |
A Health & Safety Manual is a comprehensive document designed to establish and communicate an employer's safety protocols, policies, and procedures. It serves as an important resource to ensure the well-being of workers, the prevention of accidents, and compliance with OHS regulations on jobsites. |
JHA's are the start-of-shift review of the work and associated safeguards. |
Required for large employers (20 or more employees), a JHSC is a collaborative group consisting of both employee and management representatives. |
OHS encompasses safe work practices and measures aimed at ensuring the well-being, safety, and health of jobsite workers. OHS focuses on identifying, assessing, and controlling risks and hazards associated with various job tasks and environments to protect employees from injuries, illnesses, and accidents while on the job. |
The OHSR contains legal requirements that must be met by all workplaces under the inspectional jurisdiction of WorkSafeBC under the authority of the Workers Compensation Act. |
An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is a comprehensive framework that helps employers manage and continuously improve their occupational health and safety practices. |
PPE is protective gear designed to reduce or eliminate potential injuries to a worker. |
RCS dust is airborne crystalline silica dust that is respirable to those in close proximity to the source. |
RPE is a protective device that covers the worker’s nose and mouth or the entire face and head to keep airborne contaminants out of the worker’s respiratory system and provide a safe air supply. |
Separation and engineering controls are engineered equipment and methods that are installed in the workplace to reduce the risk presented by the hazard. |
Task Safety Analysis is a tool to evaluate how the work will be performed along with the hazards, risks, safeguards, training and emergency procedures associated with the task. |
A Toolbox Talk is an informal safety meeting that focuses on safety topics related to the specific job, such as workplace hazards and safe work practices. Meetings are normally short in duration and are generally conducted at the job site prior to the commencement of a job or work shift. |
Required for employers with more than 9 but fewer than 20 employees, a Worker Health & Safety Representative plays an important role in promoting and safeguarding the well-being of employees. |