Making Safety Simpler


NCSO® / NHSA™ Designation

The Designation Process

NCSO & NHSA Designations

  1. Start an application in the NCSO® / NHSA™ Application Portal. You can start your application today, save as you progress, and complete your application over time. The non-refundable application fee is $125 + GST.
    Please Note: If you're unsure whether you meet the NCSO® field experience application requirement, you can send your resume, completed work experience template (PDF), or work experience letter (PDF) to [email protected] for review by the NCSO® Coordinator. NHSA™ applicants do NOT require field experience.
  2. In the portal, upload and submit your Proof of Experience (applies only to NCSO®):
  3. Complete the 10 compulsory and 2 elective courses.
    Please Note: Download the NCSO® / NHSA™ Roadmap (PDF) for BCCSA’s recommended course order.
  4. Complete the 4-Part Safety Proficiency Assignment (SPA):
    1. Hazard Assessment Report
    2. Incident / Near-miss Investigation
    3. Safety Meeting / Toolbox Talk
    4. Site Inspection
  5. Upload and submit all files to the portal for review and approval:
  6. Write the online Provincial & National Exams. The National Exam tests your knowledge of health and safety fundamentals. The Provincial Exam tests your regional health and safety knowledge. You are required to pass both exams by at least 75%. The National Exam fee is $60 + GST (per attempt). The Provincial Exam fee is $40 + GST (per attempt).
  7. If the application meets all the designation requirements, a 3-year NCSO® / NHSA™ certificate will be issued.
  8. The NCSO® / NHSA™ designation is subject to maintenance and must be kept up-to-date on a 3-year recertification cycle. See Designation Maintenance for details.

Steps to Achieving NCSO® / NHSA™

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in the NCSO® / NHSA™ Portal
Application Fee: $125 + GST

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applies only to NCSO®

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10 compulsory and 2 electives

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Course Completion Certificates, SPA, Proof of Experience (if applicable)

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Achieve at least 75% on both
National Exam: $60 + GST
Provincial Exam: $40 + GST

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Valid for 3 years

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Keep up-to-date and recertify after 3 years

NCSO / NHSA Designations

Start your NCSO® / NHSA™ application:

Not Sure if You Qualify for NCSO® or NHSA™?

If you are unsure whether you qualify for the NCSO® designation, you can submit a copy of your resume, filled out work experience template (PDF), or work experience letter (PDF) for the NCSO® Coordinator to review to [email protected]. Please note that field experience is NOT required for NHSA™ applicants.

Need Help? Have a NCSO® / NHSA™ Question?

We have staff who can help make your NCSO® / NHSA experience as straightforward as possible!

  • BCCSA NCSO® / NHSA Program
  • Phone: (604) 636-3675
  • Toll Free: 1 (877) 860-3675
  • E-mail: [email protected]

  • Mon – Fri:  8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Weekends & Holidays:  Closed